Riviera United Methodist Church Newsletters

Dec 15, 2024 Newsletter —Advent and Christmas News

If you need further information for these or other events, or wish to sign up for our weekly e-newsletter, please send an email to office@rivieraumc.com, or call (310) 378-9273.

Worship Themes for December

December 15 - Rejoice in the Promise 
December 22 - The Gift of God’s Presence
December 24 - Light in the Darkness
December 29 - The Blessing of Christ


This Sunday, 12/15, is our special service “Christmas in Story and Song,” with church member readings and the Chancel Choir’s singing of works from “Welcome Home: A Christmas Devotional.” Join us at 10 am. We will light the Advent Candle of Joy.

You are warmly invited to attend the All-Church Christmas Potluck following the worship service. And we hope you will join in the fun by wearing your Ugly (or Festive) Christmas Sweater!

On 12/22 we will enjoy the accompaniment of the All-Church Orchestra in our Worship Service.

Our Christmas Eve service will be at 5 pm on 12/24. You are welcome—whether you have never been before, visited occasionally, or attend regularly. You have a place in God’s Story!

NEW! Praise Worship on the first Sunday of each month! This is a song-filled, relaxed and welcoming service. Wear your casual clothes. There will also be Holy Communion, an integral and personal experience in worship.

The United Women in Faith Martha Circle meets on the first Thursday of each month at 11 am.

We collect gently used and clean clothing, towels, bedding, shoes & sneakers, and toiletries for Skid Row. Please bring these items to the box in the church lobby.